Saturday, February 15, 2020

Terry V.Ohio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Terry V.Ohio - Assignment Example constitution, every individual is entitled to privacy concerning their personal property and other effects. In the contrary, the Exclusionary Rule suppresses evidence in instances where proper protocol was ignored. Furthering that, in absence of a search warrant only emergency situations and plain sight can permit unreasonable search. I will detail my explanation on the application of criminal investigations and the justice system. The most fundamental role of the American justice system with its complicated process and procedures is to peace maintenance through dispute resolution. This is possible in the federal state through application of the law through specific persons or institutions. The state and federal constitution forms the supreme source of the applicable law with reference to the statutes and administrative regulations as other sources. In the constitution, the structure of the government, the definition and limitations of power in the protection of citizens from unlawful acts are outlined. The terry V. Ohio case decided in the United States Supreme Court set precedent on stop and frisk aspect. After this the next proof level was called the probable cause.This is where there is good reason or probability of linking an individual to a committed crime or involvement in a committed crime. Probable cause has seemed to be more significant in criminal cases because this is where individuals are searched and arrested depriving them of their liberty. Nevertheless, in civil cases the suspect’s property can be seized without denying them their liberty freedom. This argues the reason why the law enforcement agent or police officers need to have a probable cause when carrying out a search or undertaking an arrest. No absolute certainty is needed for an officer to make an arrest or search but a probable cause of suspicion. From practical experience the police officer, upon sensing a weapon may search the car suspected to

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