Monday, November 25, 2019

The Role of a Manager

The Role of a Manager Running Head: Roles 3Starr L. HaywoodThe Role of a ManagerInstructor Bridgette HardyMGT/251 ManagementFebruary 22, 2014Managers are a vital part of any business or organization. Understanding the role of a manager will help not only the workers, but the manager's position also. Management expert and professor, Henry Mintzberg developed a theory based on the 10 roles that managers play. These 10 roles are broken down into three categories: interpersonal, informational, and decisional. By implementing these various roles that managers can play, and organization can strive in all aspects of company growth.The interpersonal category is broken down into the roles of a figurehead, leader or liaison. A figurehead is a person that is looked up to for authority. An example of a figurehead in an organization is the manager of supplies. This person holds authority in ordering office supplies and is the overall decision maker for that duty.English: Low resolution logo of the Documentary Or...As a figurehead one must cultivate humility and empathy for people. Next, a leader manages the responsibilities of a team (Mintzberg 2011). A leader typically inspires personnel and they are not afraid to step up to the plate to assist in organizational duties. Lastly, a liaison communicates with external as well as internal contacts in order to network for the organization. An example of this can be a Booster Club Treasurer. The treasurer works with local businesses in order to gain donations for an organizational function to give away.The informational category consists of the monitor, disseminator or spokesperson. As a monitor, a manager is constantly seeking out information related to their industry (Mintzberg 2011). A monitor is also responsible for observing team productivity and the overall well-being of the members. A disseminator communicates useful information to the team. For instance the manager of the finance department...

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